Frogfish Pursuit!

I was gonna write something about the current state of things today. I drafted and deleted, drafted and deleted. But I don’t really don’t know what to say at this point. The past month has been a lot to deal with. So instead, I thought I’d share with you how we’re distracting ourselves here on Bonaire because everyone needs a break from the 24 hour news-cycle.

As is the case everywhere, everything here is closed. The ocean isn’t closed though so we’ve been diving almost every day. There are no upsides to the situation the planet is in right now but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying the completely empty dive sites. They’re hard to fully appreciate though since empty sites come with friends losing jobs and businesses I love being damaged beyond repair.

Back to keeping this post light. The more we dive Bonaire, the more I’m noticing creatures have a season. Early fall is squid season, August seems to be baby trunkfish season (is there anything cuter?) and right now it’s frogfish season. Of course we see these critters outside of their ‘season’ but far fewer. We went months without seeing a single frogfish and now they’re seemingly everywhere. I’ve also spent a somewhat insane amount of time looking for them lately but staring at the reef is the only thing that really relaxes me right now. There’s also something comforting about being out on the reef watching everything work as it always has during this time where topside nothing is as it was just a short month ago. I also know that I’m extremely lucky to have this outlet and am grateful for it everyday.

After over an hour searching for a little white froggy we haven’t seen since last week we decided to call the dive. Just as we were heading up we saw some movement on the reef and it was a frogfish chase! The orange one in the video has been there for some time and she’s attracted the grey one in the video and a very handsome little brown guy.

I’ll post all of our recent froggies in another post, in the meantime, take a break from the news-cycle and enjoy this cheesy video.

2 Comments on “Frogfish Pursuit!

  1. Loved the video, definitely made me chuckle at a time when we all need it.

    • Thank you! I had a good time making it, nice distraction! Hope you’re safe and healthy wherever you are.