Yellow-Lined Flatworm
I’ve never found a flatworm of any kind diving in Bonaire before this trip. I was looking at a juvi spotted drum (love them!) and right next to it was the flatworm! So excited! We only had a GoPro with us but we still managed to get some decent footage of it.
(video and pics below)
Based on our REEF Creature book this is an uncommon flatworm to find in the Caribbean making it that much more of a fun find! I love watching the way they move. Here in the Keys, lined flatworms are very common. I see them all the time in the canal from our dock. They’re a little hard to see so I lay on my stomach on the dock and stare into the water. I’m sure my neighbors think I’m nuts.
Enjoy the pics and video! 🙂

Happy bubbles!