House Hunting in Bonaire

With our visa paperwork nearly done it’s time to find a place to live. At first we thought we’d find a place remotely but that’s proven to be a bit more difficult than expected. Why? Well, a few reasons…

The major reason is that I don’t feel good renting a place long term that we haven’t seen. I want to look at the house myself, the street, and the neighborhood. We haven’t spent a lot of time back in the residential areas on our trips because we’re always too busy diving so I definitely want to evaluate it for myself.

I also don’t want to wire a bunch of money to a stranger in another country and hope for the best.

So, we booked a last minute trip to find a place. It’s much harder with the dogs but we have four potentials lined up to look at. One of them isn’t furnished so it’ll have to be very special for us to take it on. We’ll check out the furniture stores on the island while we’re there too just to gauge costs. I’m assuming items will be pricey but my assumptions have been wrong before.

Goals in order of priority:

  1. Find a place to live! Preferably furnished with a walled yard for the dogs.
  2. Check out the other grocery stores on the island. We always shop at the Van Den Tweel but I know it’s the most expensive store on the island which is great for vacation but not so great on a dive instructor’s pay.
  3. Check out stores for home goods, etc. I know where these stores are, we’ve just never stopped in before.
  4. Price trucks. We’ll be selling our car when we leave here and a truck there makes the most sense.
  5. Dive! There’s no way I can stare at that gorgeous water all week and not dive a little. Low on our priority list but a great way to end a day of house hunting and errands. So far all the rentals are lined up early in the week so we could find ourselves with a few free days.

See you in a week!

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