Summer is here!
Winter is over. We’ve had to run our AC all day the past two weeks and the water temp is back up to 80. I absolutely love winter here and I’ll definitely miss it! I finally found a winter that I like! The weather is fantastic November through March. I love that we only need AC at night leaving our doors and windows open all day letting in the “winter” breeze.
So what’s there to do in the Keys when you can’t dive? One of my favorite ways to spend the day is going on long, lazy paddles with friends or podcasts. During the summer, I only paddle at sunrise or sunset, it’s just too hot and the sun is too intense for a mid-day paddle. Summer means hiding from the sun from 10:00-6:00.
The dogs love it too. More walks, time in the yard, and adventures exploring local parks that we won’t go near after April for the mosquitoes!
I’ve also been visiting one of the local resorts lately. They have a half price day pass for locals and it’s been lovely reading on their beach. If we were staying, I’d buy the yearlong pass.

As for diving, good on those who go. The water is cold and the topside conditions are generally windy & rough in the winter. Our first trial winter down here we dove on January 1st. We haven’t done that since we moved! One summer here will ruin you for winter diving, the locals are weak when it comes to cold conditions :).
So we enjoy the topside wildlife in the winter. Here are a few videos from the past few weeks.