Spring has finally sprung!
At long last, spring has FINALLY arrived in the mid-Atlantic! It’s so nice to look at the 10-day forecast and not see a day under 60 degrees on it. What a long, cold, windy, rainy, grey winter we had. In the 10 years we’ve been here, this might have been the worst winter… or maybe it just feels like it since it’s fresh in my mind. Are you sensing a theme here? It’s true, we hate the cold dark days of winter. If all goes well, we have just one more to go! It’s so nice to see trees budding out, our clematis is blooming & our zoysia is starting to turn green again.
I love everything about spring! There’s a feeling of newness as everything comes back to life. Nothing announces the arrival of spring however like the smell of bradford pear trees in bloom. They’re one of the first trees to bloom here, pretty to look at but boy do they stink! They’re in full bloom right now and the neighborhood is filled with their scent. I love that there’s plenty of daylight left after work to hit the trails for a run. I can’t think of a better way to end a long day stuck inside the office. The pic on the left is from yesterday’s run. That turtle was enjoying the last rays of sun for the day. The birds are arriving back from spending the winter somewhere south & our backyard feeders are alive with activity. It turns out, the birds had the right idea all along, GO WHERE IT’S WARM! I’m really looking forward to the hummingbirds coming back too. I’ll get the feeders back out next weekend so we can be sure to attract them as soon as they’re back.
Ahhhh warm weather, I love everything about you 🙂 Welcome back!

sunset at one our local hangouts
Warm thoughts to all!