Happy 2021 & 6th blog birthday!
We made it! 2020 is over! Good riddance! I couldn’t be happier to slam the book closed on this past year.
We were very lucky in 2020 & for that I’m extremely grateful. We had jobs, safety, our health, and no one close to us has been seriously touched by COVID yet. So many others were not as lucky.
For as crappy as 2020 was, I am hopeful for the upcoming year. Vaccine distribution has started and while it’ll take time to vaccinate enough people to get the upper hand on the virus, we’re on the right track.
One thing’s for sure, I’ll never take “normal” life for granted again, provided we ever get back to what all of us think of as normal life. After 10 months of the pandemic it’s simple things I miss. Hugging people, hopping on a plane to see friends & family, going out for a casual dinner when I don’t feel like cooking, not giving a stranger the evil eye for coughing in public or standing too close to me.

So if you’re still here & moderately sane, that’s a win for 2020!
Let’s pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and move forward in 2021 wherever that path may lead.
Here’s to the next chapter!