I’ve had this post partially drafted for a long time … and by drafted I mean saved with a title and little else. There have been a lot of changes going on over here that I haven’t written about because they’re in complete flux and it’s changing day by day. Here’s what we know right now.
My other half accepted a new position about 2 months ago which is fully remote meaning he now has the freedom to work from anywhere in the United States. My boss has granted me that same freedom. I’m still going to the office 4 days a week but I can go remote anytime. Wow, the possibilities this opens up! ANYWHERE in the US is a big place but when I look back to the items on our original hit list: warm with good diving, it narrows the field quite a bit. Really to a couple of the Hawaiian islands and the Florida Keys. Due to the nature of our jobs US territories are out otherwise St. Croix would probably be our next move.
We’ve visited Maui and Kauai over the years with Kauai being the standout but Hawaii is off the table for 4 main reasons: it’s too far away, a 30 day quarantine for all arriving pets (they don’t have rabies in the islands and are trying to keep it that way), the time change would make it nearly impossible to keep east coast work hours and the cost of living (whoa!).
Now that one of the two is ruled out, that leaves the Keys. A definite possibility for a while. We just got back from Key Largo late Monday night early Tuesday morning and jumped right into a busy workweek after only a few hours of sleep. We haven’t had a chance to fully evaluate our experience there yet but one thing is certain, we’re spending the winter there this year! We found a winter rental on a canal with beautiful views of the marsh that allows our dogs. We’ll be there from late December through early March so you won’t have to read about me complaining about how cold I am all winter 🙂 You’re not completely off the hook though, I’m sure I can complain plenty in November and March and even a little in October & April. Are the Keys our next step as we make our way closer to the equator? Stay tuned for my next post about our recent trip and the pros & cons as we see them now.
With any luck we’ll never experience a proper winter again! Now this is more like it!
In the meantime, we’re heading back to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for a week starting today. We’ll be working a day and a half from there but we’re free the rest of the time. Mid-September is the best time to go in our opinion. This is the ninth year in a row that we’ve gone this same week & we’ve never been disappointed. The ocean is still warm (82 degrees recorded today), the weather is gorgeous & the crowds are gone! School is in session and you’ll have the beach mostly to yourself. I’m looking forward to spending all day on the beach reading books, swimming, going for long walks, body boarding if there are waves and the evenings at our favorite hangouts – all completely uncrowded.
I hope you’re enjoying the last bits of summer where you are too!
Here’s a gorgeous pic to brighten your day:

Somewhere in Cozumel
Warm thoughts to all!
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