Bonaire Diving – Best Pics of the 2017 trip!
The diving in Bonaire was spectacular! I can’t wait to go back. The best thing about Bonaire is that you can dive however you want! Want to go for a quick swim down the wall and back – go for it. Want to poke around in the shallows for a whole dive – no problem! Did you find a cool creature you want to watch for a ridiculous amount of time – you can do that too!
Here are some of my favorite shots from the week… which one is your favorite?

An octopus sleeping in its den. The outside was littered with the shells of everything it had eaten. So cool. Check out the hermit crab venturing into the den … it might turn into a light snack! Dive site: Yellow Submarine

I love this because almost all of the brain corals here in the Keys are dead. Bonaire was full of gorgeous, healthy brain corals of all sizes.

Blennies are such tiny badasses!

A frogfish with its lure out. Dive site: Something Special

Juvenile smooth trunkfish might be my favorite baby to find. Such nuggets!

I love seeing fish do things so watching this one eating its dinner was a treat.

Burrfish – love them, they are adorable and so goofy!

A scorpionfish taken with our macro lens.

Pederson cleaner shrimp – I love how they wave at passerby letting them know they’re there to clean them if their services are needed.

Squat Anemone Shrimp – these guys also have a really cute dance.

Hunting buddies!

Oh, hey there!
It’s hard to pick my favorite but it might be the octopus followed by the frogfish. What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen diving lately?
Happy bubbles!