And then we were gone…
It’s 4:00pm on a Thursday. Everything we own is jammed into about 8 suitcases, our dogs are at doggy daycare tiring themselves out (hopefully), I’m unemployed for the first time since I was 16, and I’m having a day beer which I deserve after cleaning the heck out of our rental for our walkthrough.
Everything about this move has been hard & stressful, but just because something is hard doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it, it probably means you should double down and go for it. Life is short, you have to pursue your dreams while you can. I cannot wait to spend all of my time outside connected to nature.

If all goes well, 24 hours from this very moment we’ll be collecting our bags, getting our rental car, and heading to our temporary studio. IT DOES NOT FEEL REAL! We’re moving to the Caribbean tomorrow. Typing it doesn’t feel real, but it is. Our next post will be from there but it might be a while. We have a whirlwind of things to accomplish before we start our new jobs on the 15th but hopefully I’ll find some downtime in there somewhere. Might be hard to get me out of the water though. I definitely want to go back to look for some frogfish I found while we were on our house hunting trip. I bet they’re still there.

I can’t wait till this is our backyard!
*excuse the quality, we only brought our GoPro
To new adventures! Cheers everyone!

Until next time…