2 Months on Bonaire!
Two months have flown by! We’ve been super busy settling into our new life here so just a quick recap for now of our first two months on the island. I’ll write detailed posts on life here soon for anyone needing some info or maybe a little nudge to change your life and try something new?
If there’s anything particular you want to know about leave me a comment or email me and I’ll be sure to post about it for you!
So what have we been up to here?
- We’re pretty well settled in our house! We just need some storage type items but other than that we were able to scavenger everything secondhand. Style = eclectic 🙂
- We cut the cord on air conditioning. Electricity is crazy expensive here and no one we know uses AC. A few hot nights and you don’t even notice anymore 🙂 The temp in our house hovers between 88-91… the dogs have adjusted well. They were already used to it being 82 inside from the Keys so not a huge adjustment.

- We finished the IDC (dive instructor development course) and the IE (instructor exam)! This is a post of its own! I have a feeling there are others out there who want to know more about this. We’re wrapping up the MSDT (Master Scuba Diver Trainer) specialties this week then time to get some certs!
- We’ve nailed down our “supermarket shuffle.” Going to one grocery store for everything doesn’t exist here. Go to three and you might be able to hobble something together. We have a standard circuit and mix in others here and there as we hear from others they have something we want – if anywhere has good produce, I’m there!
- We started our new jobs! We started work about 6 weeks ago and spent a month working as divemasters before starting the IDC.

- We completed the first step of immigration and got the magical passport stamps (updated process is here)! We now have healthcare and we can get a bank account which we’re doing this week. You have to make an appointment to get a bank account here. We made this appointment 6 weeks ago – island time anyone?
Summer is coming to an end in many parts of the world – if that’s you, I hope you had an awesome summer!