Mahahual Bound & Thank You!

We’re off to Mahahual in less than 8 hours. It’s been a crazy week at work, I easily put in 60 hours in the last 4 days but I’m more than happy to get up at 4am tomorrow to catch our flight out. I can’t wait to see Mahahual above and below sea level!

I also want to thank everyone who’s stopped by the blog! I tipped 1000 views today so THANK YOU! I know that’s nothing in the blog-sphere but it’s a big milestone for me 🙂  I hope our posts have helped you plan your travel, make a change in your life or maybe they’re just a nice distraction from the daily grind. Whatever your reason for reading, I’m glad you’re here on our adventure! I can’t wait to share everything about Mahahual with you!

Warm thoughts to all!

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